作者:管理员    发布于:2014-03-11 10:47:39    文字:【】【】【





欧米加6脂肪酸 -- 亚油酸,是很好的必需脂肪酸。我们知道,狗和猫所需要它。现代加工动物食品往往缺乏足够的必需脂肪酸,特别是低热量的食品。欧米茄6脂肪酸是已知的补充剂。在其他方面,必需脂肪酸功效如下:














Pet Care fact sheet

There are many health issues which surround our pets, from arthritis and inflamed joints, cuts and bruises to circulation and heart problems.

One of the most important factors in having a healthy pet is that it has a healthy diet and among some of the most important nutrients within that diet are the essential fatty acids, Omegas 3 and 6.

A lack of essential fatty acids in your animal's diet can be very severe, but if the signs of deficiency, such as flaky skin and a dull coat, are spotted at an early stage any serious problems can be avoided and remedied with a simple addition to their diet.

Omega 6 fatty acid 'Linoleic acid', which is the only essential fatty acid known to be needed by dogs and one, of only two, needed by cats. Often lacking in sufficient amounts in modern processed animal food, especially reduced calorie foods, Omega 6 fatty acids are known to aid with, among other things, the following:

  • Regulation of blood flow to body tissues
  • Blood clotting after an injury
  • Normal reproduction
  • Immune system response to injury and infection
  • Maintenance of a healthy coat and skin
  • Increased energy levels

The role of Omega 3 in the feline and canine diet is less well understood, but they are thought to help manage inflammation in certain skin disorders, aid with nervous system maintenance and growth, aid with visual acuity and aid in the remission of, and decrease the side effects, of lymphoma.

Emu oil 
Emu oil is a 100% natural remedy that has been used in Aboriginal medicine for centuries. The oil has now become famous around the Globe for its powerful soothing properties and its popularity as one of the most effective natural remedies available is growing quickly.

Emu oil is seen to be very rich in Omega 6, and also contains smaller amounts of Omega 3.

The benefits of emu oil don't appear to stop there however and a study published in 1998 (5) showed that when emu oil was applied to the skin wounds of animals it helped speed up the wound healing process by up to 2 times.

Furthermore there have now been several published studies that have shown that the application of emu oil to the skin can help reduce inflammation and swelling (1-4), especially that associated with animal arthritis.


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