Emu Oil For sunburn Relief
作者:管理员    发布于:2013-10-15 15:16:21    文字:【】【】【

This article is for the parents of the world facing the summer and options for sunburn relief. I am going  to tell you about a product that will change your life. It ¡s something we call in my house “The liquid gold”- a skin care product called Emu Oil.


As parents there are so many things that go on and happen with our children. If you are lucky enough to have more then one child then the possibilities of things that can go wrong are endless.


As a parent anytime something goes wrong with our children we make a choice to try and take care of it at home or take them to see their doctor. My children come in with bumps and bruises, cuts and scrapes on a daily basis.


I have used a product called Emu Oil AKA, The liquid Gold.  When I first started using this product I was visiting my parents and I took my children to the pool. Yes, this time I remembered the sun screen. I carefully applied it to all of the kids. We had a great time until we got home and I realized that while I was lathering all my children up I missed a spot on my 18 month old. She was really burned. Her skin was red and she was crying in pain.


A neighbor happened to be outside as we were getting out of the car.  As I was speaking to him he noticed the burn and said hey I got something you should try on that burn. Little did I know I would be a lifelong user of Emu Oil. I put the Emu Oil on her and almost instantly she had relief from the sting.


The night went on and I forgot about the burn. When we woke up the next morning the entire area that had been burned was now a golden brown. I do not go anywhere without my Emu Oil. I returned the unused product back to the neighbor and found out how to get my own supply for sunburn relief.


Many travelers do not realize that taking along Emu Oil makes summer vacations more comfortable and more enjoyable. It helps take the sting out of most insect bites, stops the peeling phase of a sunburn and helped prevent chapped lips and skin.


Emu oil is an anti-inflammatory. It will reduce redness and swelling. As a parent, I have had great success even using this on my children¡¯s bruises. Bruises that may have been around for weeks go away in days.


Why does Emu oil work¡­ that is the million dollar question. To answer this question it is important to tell you yes the Emu oil comes from the Emu bird. The oil lies between the skin and the fat layers of the Emu bird. The oil is there to protect the bird from the Australian sun. (Imagine That). Emu Oil is hypoallergenic  and is a natural moisturizer. Emu oil helps protect, restore and maintain the look of healthy skin.


The benefits of Emu oil are:


1.Smoothes and conditions

2.Softens and moisturizes

3.Reduces itching and flakiness

4.Reduces Joint Pain


Listed here are some of the uses that my family and I have used Emu oil for:



2.Sunburn relief 

3.Dry Scalp    


5.Stiff Joints

6.Age spots




10.Diaper Rash



As you can see we have found many uses for our liquid gold. It ¡s bad enough as a parent to see your child in some type of pain, and we all know that at some point your child will be hurt in some fashion but if you can make them feel better and keep them from scaring then as a parent you have done your job.


I go nowhere without my bottle. Emu oil bottle that is. I have used it from my newborn all the way up to my father. You can literally use it on everything.

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