作者:管理员    发布于:2013-07-17 15:34:29    文字:【】【】【
The emu, the national bird of Australia, can grow 5 to 6 feet in height, making it the second largest bird behind the ostrich. Australia's Aboriginal tribes relied heavily on the emu, using the bird to provide clothing, food and shelter. Aborigines also used the emu for medicinal purposes, rendering the fat from its skin to produce emu oil for the treatment of damaged skin and fatigued muscles. Emu oil can be found in numerous lotions and creams designed to treat various joint and muscle problems.


2011年6月14日,William Lynch


Injury, trauma, overuse and tension are common causes of muscle pain. The discomfort may involve not only the muscles but the surrounding tendons, ligaments and soft tissues that connect muscles to bones. In most cases, the muscle pain will flare up during a strenuous activity or shortly after completing exercise or repeated movements. Prolonged muscle pain or fatigue may also be due to infection or certain medical conditions, like fibromyalgia.


According to a study by Dr. Margaret C. Craig-Schmidt of Auburn University, emu oil owes its healing properties to its fatty acid composition, particularly its high levels of linolenic acid and oleic acid. An unsaturated fatty acid, linolenic acid eases joint pain. Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid that reduces inflammation in dermal tissue.

根据奥本大学玛格丽特C. 克雷格施密特博士的研究,鸸鹋油因其脂肪酸组成,具有愈合伤口的特性,特别是其高水平的γ-亚麻酸和油酸。亚麻酸是一种不饱和脂肪酸,可以减轻关节疼痛;油酸是一种单不饱和脂肪酸,可减少皮肤组织的炎症。

Research conducted by Dr. Peter Ghosh at Royal North Shore Hospital of Sydney, Australia, and Dr. Michael Whitehouse at University of Adelaide, Australia, found emu oil's fatty acids also give it anti-inflammatory properties. Due to its fat content, emu oil serves to smooth and nourish the skin. When applied to injured muscles or sore joints, emu oil absorbs deep into the skin and fights pain and inflammation. Massaging emu oil into the affected area can alleviate discomfort, reduce swelling and help accelerate healing.

Peter Ghosh博士在悉尼澳大利亚皇家北岸医院以及Michael Whitehouse博士在澳大利亚阿得雷德大学进行的研究发现,鸸鹋油的脂肪酸具有抗炎特性。由于其脂肪含量,鸸鹋油用于光滑和滋润肌肤。鸸鹋油应用在肌肉受伤或关节疼痛,其可以渗透至皮肤深处并且缓解疼痛和炎症。按摩鸸鹋油到患处,可以减轻不适,减少肿胀和加速伤口愈合。

A number of commercial manufacturers produce creams and lotions containing emu oil to help treat muscle pain. Some common brand names include Pure Emu Oil, 4 D Acres, High Cascade, and Longview Farms. Many manufacturers also produce emu oil products for pets. And due to its exceptional purity, emu oil also tests as hypoallergenic, making it a popular ingredient in many cosmetics.

不少生产商制造含有鸸鹋油的膏霜和乳液来帮助治疗肌肉疼痛。一些常见的品牌包括 Pure Emu Oil,   4 D Acres,   High Cascade,  和Longview Farms。许多厂家也生产鸸鹋油产品供给宠物市场。此外,由于其特殊的纯度,鸸鹋油经过测试后,具有低过敏性,使其成为许多流行的化妆品成分。

According to Drugs.com, the use of emu oil presents no harmful side effects or toxicity problems. Most topical emu oil products will recommend applying the oil to the sore muscles two to three times a day. Emu oil would not be a suitable treatment for vegans or those avoiding the use of animal products.

根据Drugs.com的观点,使用鸸鹋油不会发生有害的副作用或毒性问题。大多数的鸸鹋油产品将推荐应用在肌肉酸痛方面,每天使用2 – 3 次。鸸鹋油不适于素食主义者或从不使用动物产品者。
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